
- -- FORMATS -- -

Final Confirmation E-Mail

Subject – Email Confirmation | < Client Name > | < Job Number >
E:G - Email Confirmation | ABC Bank | JN 11011

Campaign :
Start Date :
End Date :
SOV / Impressions : < For placements, pls mention only the SOV and for CPM deals , pls mention only the Impressions >
Investment :

Artwork Change

Subject – Artwork Change | < Client Name > | < Job Number >
E:G - Artwork Change | ABC Bank | JN 11011

1. Job Number :
2. Ticket Number :
3. Category :
4. Artwork Links :
5. Microsites Links :
6. Special Instructions :

Creative Ticket

Subject - Banner Sales Creatives | < Client Name > | < Job Number >
E:G Subject - Banner Sales Creatives | ABC Company | 11000

In the description, pls mention following details

1. Campaign Type - Direct placement / CPM / Search
2. Campaign Objectives - Lead Generation / Drive Traffic to the Site / App Download / Video Views
3. Banner Sizes Needed - ( Since the banner sizes mentioned in the ticketing system is outdated, Pls mention relevant banner sizes here . The banner sizes mentioning in here will be taken as the final request )
4. Microsite - Yes / No
If No - Click through URL
5. Embedding a Video - Yes / No
If yes , URL of the video -
6. Does the client has guidelines - Yes / No
If yes , attach the guidelines
7. Language needed -
8. Facebook Retargeting - Yes / No
If Yes, Direct lead or Conversion -
9. Google Regarting - Yes / No
10. Key Visuals ( URL ) –
11. Source Files ( URL ) –
12. Remarks - ( Please mention the Points discussed in the call with Stefan and other special thing need to be done when creating the creatives )

Direct Client Visit

Subject : Client Visit | < First Name > | < EL Number > | < Date >
Subject ( E:G ) : Client Visit | Dilan | EL0220 | 16th March 2021

Client :
Time :
Purpose :
Location :

Free Classified Ad Request Format

Client Name : 
Client Telephone Number : 
Client Company Name : 
Client Department : 
Client Designation : 
Client Investment : ( Contract value or month on month spend ) 

Classified ad ID :
Name mentioned in the classified ad : 
Phone Number mentioned in the classified ad :

Is there any different between client details vs classified ad details : Yes or No 
If yes, what is the relationship : 

If there is any difference between the Name mentioned in the classified ad + Phone Number mentioned in the classified ad vs Client name and client phone number
Please mention the relationship between these two parties

Client Entertainment Budget Request

Subject : Client Entertainment Budget Request | < Month > and Year | Client 
E:G : Client Entertainment Budget Request | Feb 2022 | ABC Bank

Client : 
Name of the Client :
Designation :
Purpose : 
Required Date : 
Value :

Note : Pls send the request to Stefan by coping Saury , Krishanthy, Rashantha , Sachindri and Myself

From today onwards, you don't need to fill the sheet. Sachindri will take care of that... ( But for pending requests, you have to fill it and finish it . Pls complete it before end of the day )